On the first week of our vacation we camped at Otter Lake up in the Poconos. On Wednesday of that week we had a terrible thunderstorm. We all stayed in the tent, but after a while I wondered why we hadn’t taken shelter in the car. We had two very close lightning strikes, one just two campsites away. We smelled the ozone after we saw the blue flash and sparks. In the end we were all OK, though.

But, the next week at Resica Falls Scout Reservation (next door to Otter Lake), a poor 16 year old kid died when lightning struck a tent ten feet away. Freaky. I used to camp at Resica all the time when I was a kid, too. I was at the quartermaster’s store buying a mug and a patch on week to the day before the poor kid was killed. Makes you appreciate that you and yours are happy and healthy.