The Internet is great for looking up information on just about anything, including old rock bands you used to see. Denise and I used to listen to a great band in State College called the Beaver Avenue Beggars. They played at the Phyrst for a while on Friday nights in the 1989-1991 timeframe, and we used to go up the Penn State on the weekends and catch them when we got into town.
I wondered where they were now, or if they even had a CD that I could get, so I did a Google search and found this webpage online. No CDs, but at least it had some detail about the band. This page detailed an earlier incarnation of the band, Trinity1296 (I think the 1296 represented the number of strings on their guitars, 12 and 6–I don’t know what the 9 was for). They later hooked up with Randy Hughes from Cartoon and called themselves Trinitoonity, but my favorite incarnation of their sound was the Beaver Avenue Beggars.