Too busy to post the last few days–bought the van, got all the trailer hitch equipment, made my own lighting wire harness adapter because the camper has such a weird plug, and packed for vacation (all right, my wife did most of that).

Also, I went to Philly today for a memorial service for my friend’s mother. Sad, but afterward we went to see another friend who just had twins. That was a nice way to regain a good feeling. I wish her all the best (I guess I should have wished her boundless amounts of energy–that’s what she’ll need with twins).

Also, another very good friend of mine had his second child (and second boy) today. That’s the second really wonderful thing to happen this week. Do good things come in threes?

(I didn’t put anyone’s name in this post because I’m not sure if people would appreciate having their name in “print” on the Internet. It feels odd to write workaround sentences to make them anonymous…)