[My brother Joe lives in Guam and travels all over that part of the world whenever he gets vacation. Right now he’s off to China, and he’s letting me post some of the travelogue notes he’s sending out. Pretty interesting stuff.]
Post 1, Bangkok:
“Made it to Bangkok fine and am waiting for my visa to PRC when I can leave Tuesday. Funny, we are used to hearing of the Philippines as a foreign/terrorist kind of place but the French steward and passengers around me on my AirFrance flight going to Paris were worse. They were nice until they figured out I was American, after that every 15 words I could make out a sneering “ammmmweweeecan”. Yeah, whatever. I wanted to ask him if he remembered who liberated Paris in 45, but figured a nap would be more productive.
Checked in last night to a hotel I hadn’t stayed at before and headed right out to look for visas… soon it was late and I TOTALLY forgot the hotel name…. There was a moment where I considered checking into another hotel just to sleep and figure it out later! I did find it later…
I can’t think of a place anywhere where the people are so friendly. They truly understand tourism here. All day has been one smile after another, just like it was last trip. I have to brace myself for China now…”