Apparently AOL hosts it, but it’s a good site–try out the President Match site that I mentioned a few months ago.

(Sad–I was one of AOL’s first subscribers when they had less than 100,000 members. It really was the best service around by far. I saw things go slowly sour when 5.0 came out in ’95 or ’96, but really, I don’t have anything against AOL. I think people don’t like it because it’s fashionable to dislike the company–it got too big to be the underdog anymore.)

At any rate, in the interests of full disclosure regarding President Match results, I must reveal that I, a registered Republican, came up with 65% for Kerry, 63% for Kucinich, and 25% for President Bush. Please don’t hate me, conservative friends–I plead the case of being a bleeding-heart moderate…