September 2003

Despite disagreements over the truth of this rumor, here it is straight from the horse’s mouth: New Line Cinema will run back-to-back Fellowship of the Ring, The Two Towers, and The Return of the King viewings on December 16.

The first two films will be show in the week leading up to the The Return of the King‘s release, it’s true. But the entire trilogy will also be shown together on one night as stated here on the films’ official website:

“…on Tuesday, December 16, participating theaters will show a one-time-only marathon of both Extended Edition prints followed by an 11pm screening of The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King. “

More details are on the films’ official site here.

Could I sit through ten hours of film? I think so. My wife definitely thinks I can, but that’s extrapolated from a “discussion” we had the other day about my, um, “ability” to concentrate on information in video form…

To any radio or TV announcers in the area, Carlisle is pronounced “CarLISLE.”
Again, Carlisle. Accent on the second syllable, not the first.

But who am I to talk? I’m “obviously not from Lancaster County,” as evidenced by my (now corrected) improper pronunciation of Turkey Hill (I emphasized “Turkey,” but “Hill” is stressed).

And I used to pronounce “Spooky Nook Road” like it’s spelled, not the correct Lancaster County pronunciation “Spukky Nuk Road” (I can’t even properly render this sound in text).

And I have no idea what the town name of Salunga means in German. Can any wise Lancastrians help me out here?

Hey, today’s meeting that I bored you with in yesterday’s blog entry went really well. I think we’ll be able to wrap up some issues and then pull back from things.

I like the term I wrote yesterday too, “caught in the crossfire of incompetence.” Sometimes we all feel like that, right?

(OK Brad, I’ve left myself wide open–say it. You know you want to.)


Q: What do you call two days with rain in Pennsylvania?

A: A weekend.

Without getting into too much detail, there’s a new program at work we’ve been supporting that has essentially cost me one of my staff for six months now. To complicate the issue, people are calling our vendor for support, but sometimes us for support, generating different answers for questions depending on who they talk to, or who we talk to, or who anyone talks to. Did you follow all that? We all don’t seem to follow it well at all.

Supporting this product has become impossible with everyone running around like chickens with their heads cut off. They call me when they feel like it, call someone else when they feel like it, demand instant response for crises at the last possible minute, and then wonder why they can’t get cohesive answers.

Yes, I’m simplifying things a bit. Good people who just want to get their jobs done right are caught in this mess, too. It’s a shame they’re caught in the crossfire of incompetence.

Now I’ve actually heard that this product is a “power thing for Dave and the tech guys.” Wow. That’s amazing.

I called for a meeting tomorrow. The most “powerful” card you have to play in any situation is to walk away, right? I plan to pull my department fully out of this project. I will put the lie to the “power rumor.” We never supported the old product to this degree, and we certainly have more than enough to do with our current workload. My people are killing themselves for nothing. Let the vendor earn the thirty-five thousand bucks we pay for support each year like they used to–the only point I’ve been striving to make for six months.

Um, if you even got this far, wow. Thanks for reading. I feel better, anyway.

When we worked at Denny’s in City Line, people used to ask us how we coped. We joked back “We just learn to drink. Heavily.” Um, I think that’s good advice again, right? (Yes, I’m just joking. At 40, I can’t hold liquor like I could at 20 anyway)

Wow–time to come up from the depths and begin with the weblog again.

Hello–it’s long past time to be back.

Now, what to say?

Alyssa was very hesitant about going to kindergarten this year (“None of my friends are in my kindergarten class! I’ll never see any of them again!”).

She made the transition smoothly, however (“You know, my teacher is great–she’s kind and nice and wonderful–she’s just so sweet.”)

You have to hear her to get the distinct image of a seemingly 25 year-old discussing her new kindergarten…

I’ve not dropped the weblog–I’ve just been slammed with tech work at my job. Projects that couldn’t be done earlier in the summer have combined with record-breaking tech requests to make my life a living–um, a living bad place.

For instance, we got 100 tech requests yesterday (yes, in one day), breaking the previous record of 65 in one day set a couple of years ago. In fact, we actually got more–our secretary stopped at 100 because she didnt’ have the heart to enter more requests into the database.

We’re all at the point of insanity at the office, but they say in my case it wasn’t a long trip at all…

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