March 2005

Man, this Meatrix thing was kind of freaky. I checked it out because it just won an award.
Guess I’ll be checking out more organic food now.

(Some people have too much time on their hands. Pretty funny, though):

Via Boing Boing:

Cory Doctorow:

A blogger had her dead iTrip replaced by the manufacturer, who asked for photographic proof that she’d destroyed the old one. So she built an iTrip incinerator out of model-rocket engines and then lovingly photographed and described her build, up to and including the moment of iTrip immolation.


(via Make)


Currently Captivated By: VH1 One Hit Wonders.

Been watching it all night while I worked on the website. Many 80’s hits in it.

My Tangelo products site looks pretty good too (I’m working with Brad to market Tangelo, so this page is part of my work). Nothing much on it yet, but it nice, huh?

Actually, my major achievement with the Tangelo products site was how well I stole it completely from Brad’s sister site and duplicated his work with an orange scheme instead of lime. I’ll work on it more though and add things.

Like Steve Jobs (or someone) said, good artists copy, great artists steal.

Well, it’s helping to teach me CSS at any rate.

Someone told me recently that brown was a strange favorite color. Green and brown are my two favorite colors, and I think that this scheme looks decent. I dunno.

Next up, PHP.

Even if I’m involved with it, it’s still exciting to see Tangelo reach version 1.1 today. I use it to produce (and screw around with) this website. In fact, now I get to monkey with the templates and rebuild the site in the next couple of weeks.

Tangelo 1.1 has some nice flashy/fun features…

Currently listening to:
“Somewhere Over the Rainbow/What a Wonderful World” by Israel Kamakawiwo’ole

and some substantial things like podcasting support.

It’s nice to work with something that’s so easy and fun to use.

If you have the time (or a broadband connection), check this Batman movie out. It’s animated, but yes, that really is Adam West as Batman, Dick Van Dyke as Commissioner Gordon, and Courtney Thorne-Smith as Catwoman. You can find out more about the film here.

Bill Shatner has really, really floored me this year. The actor has made a new character in Boston Legal that I think is some of the best work of his career (not that I’m a critic or anything). I mean, Denny Crane is da man.

Now I’ve heard his new album with Ben Folds and I bought its Common People track from the iTunes Music Store. It’s a really good song, believe it or not. Joe Jackson does backing vocals in it.

Want to see it? Go to this page to download the Tonight show video (better have a broadband connection, though).

Thanks to Scoble for the link.

I’ve been working with Tangelo beta 1.1, and it’s really nice. Of course, I’m an interested party since I work with Brad to do the docs and marketing, but I think this one even outdoes 1.0. The new Podcasting feature is really nice–and no one else does it on a desktop blogging app. No one.

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