September 2002

Yep, people are suing fast food restaurants as if they are cigarette producers, as this story from MSNBC (among others) details. Now, I made many mistakes in my youth, and did many things I’m not proud of, but I realize that my misdeeds, including my fast food consumption, are my own fault, no one else’s.

Here’s my favorite quote from McDonald’s rebuttal: “We’ll proudly defend the McDonald’s hamburger,” said company spokesman Walt Riker. “It represents the most basic building blocks of the American diet.”

Does anyone else besides me laugh out loud at reading this?

And no, I’m not going to tell you the other misdeeds I performed (they would probably take too long to list anyway, and I’m not sure if the statute of limitations is over yet).

As promised, here’s the first pic of our vacation last month–Drew at our campsite early in the morning:

I’ll post more later, and see if I can put up a permanent category for these pics.

It looks like the proposed sale of Hershey Corp. is in the courts now. If you haven’t heard, Hershey Foods is largely owned by a trust. This trust operates the Milton Hershey School and also owns HERCO, the company that runs Hershey Park, etc. The trust wants to sell its controlling interest in Hershey Foods to diversify its holdings. They in effect want to sell the company. The town of Hershey is freaking out. Bascially, a new owner could close down operations in Hershey, PA, and the town would lose the character it’s had for almost 100 years. I live ten miles from Hershey, so I feel some empahty for the conflict. My take? I don’t think Milton Hershey would have approved of the trust’s actions in a million years. I think they’re violating the spirit and intention, if not the letter, of his will and wishes.

I hope it turns out OK. All good things must end, but there’s no need to rush it, right?

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